Bolivia is a geographically diverse country in the heart of South America. While the capital La Paz is the world’s highest capital city at 11,913 feet above sea level, the North is much lower and temperate, the perfect climate for growing organic coffee.


The SCAGREM Cooperative is formed by a group of 30 small farmers working hard to develop and promote sustainable organic agriculture in the heart of a geographically challenged area. Many farmers in the Caranavi region had lost their coffee farms due to a fungus in 2013 and turned to growing coca (for the production of cocaine).

This young cooperative is working to shift the region toward a more sustainable and healthy future. They are focused on strict organic practices as well as their carefully controlled dry-milling process, which have led them to produce delicious coffee with bursting flavors.


This delicate light roast coffee has a fragrance of floral, citrus & spices with honey undertones and flavors of nuts, chocolate & caramel with a light body.

Country: Bolivia

Region: Caranavi

Producer: SCAGREM Co-op

Number of members: 30

Elevation: 4,500-5,800 feet above sea level

Process: Washed

Varietals: Catuaí, Caturra, Typica

Harvest Season: May-August

Average Temperature: 77ºF

Time it takes from the closest international airport to the COOP: 6 hour drive

SCAGREM was formed on January 21st, 2013 when a group of 30 producers from the province of Caranavi decided to get together in order to commercialize their coffee in a more efficient manner. At first, they considered joining one of the existing cooperatives that worked in the region, but the cost of joining per producer was too elevated. They decided to form SCAGREM and they have been working as a group on increasing productivity and renovating farms, as the area was affected by the coffee rust fungus. Their goal is also to be able to establish direct relationships with roasters in order to build more efficient commercial relations, seeking to obtain better prices for their quality coffee, thus improving the livelihood of their members.