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Mayorga Coffee donates 30,000 coffee seedlings to La Hermosa’s co-op members in Guatemala, creating an opportunity to generate $2.8 million in income for small farmers.
We have been collaborating with La Hermosa Co-op for over 12 years. Through our constant engagement with the co-op’s leaders, we've developed a multitude of high-impact programs, working closely with the communities and learning about their needs.
Max Pérez, producer Finca La Hermosa
Supporting Local Farmers with High-Quality Organic Seedlings
About a year ago, we developed a program to donate 30,000 organic coffee seedlings to be distributed to small farmers in the Acatenango region. Over the past 12 months, La Hermosa has been nurturing these seedlings consisting of:
- 70% Marsellesa for its productivity and disease resistance, and
- 30% exotic varieties like Catuaí, Caturra, Bourbon, Pacamara, and Gesha for their superior cup quality and market value.
In June of this year, we jointly donated the seedlings to small coffee farmers in the immediate area. The seedlings are now planted to grow and renovate their coffee farms, many of which have been affected by age and susceptibility to diseases like coffee rust.
Seedlings at the nursery
Local producer at the seedlings nursery
Local Community Empowerment
This effort benefits around 100 farmers, each receiving 300-400 plants, helping them renovate 5-10 acres and produce up to 2,000 pounds of exportable coffee per acre. The Acatenango coffee producers involved in the initiative will grow between 1,000,000 and 2,000,000 new pounds of green coffee in total (through the life of the plants) which we estimate will generate $2.8 million in revenue for them.
Planting and growing 30,000 organic seedlings is a meticulous process, from soil preparation using vermicompost and decomposed coffee pulp to natural pest management with lemongrass and marigold. We collaborated closely with Finca La Hermosa, to ensure that these seedlings are not just the best quality possible but also certifiably organic for production.
Local producers working on the seedlings

Our Goal: Long-term positive impact
This is NOT an aid project; it's a partnership fostering community development, environmental sustainability, and economic stability. It is an aspect of Mayorga's regenerative sourcing practices that will give our producers an added opportunity for long-term success.
The Mayorga team with Max and Claudia Pérez' family
Support our projects by purchasing our 100% Arabica Organic Blends and Single Origin coffees.

Sara Velásquez
Producer Relations Manager