Orgullo Latino

Orgullo Latino

Mayorga Coffee’s Eduardo Choza Wins US Roaster Championship 2024: Exclusive Interview
Last weekend at the Specialty Coffee Association Expo (SCA) 2024 in Chicago, our Director of Coffee, Eduardo Choza, triumphed in the prestigious US Coffee Roasters Championship, securing the title as the nation’s top roaster.
What is a Microlot Coffee?
Microlot coffee focuses on uniqueness, quality, and the pursuit of the extraordinary. Whether you're a seasoned coffee nerd or a budding enthusiast, exploring microlot coffee is a delightful adventure in taste and discovery.
Roasting Coffee: As Told by the Top Coffee Roaster on the East Coast
The unique flavors and aromas of Latin American coffees are often the result of meticulous roasting techniques that accentuate the inherent qualities of the beans.
How do I brew coffee as good as a coffee shop?!
In the quest to brew coffee as good as your favorite coffee shop, remember that the journey lies in understanding and mastering the basics of coffee brewing. While there's a wealth of advice out there, controlling three key variables will undoubtedly transform your coffee journey forever.
The Influence of Indigenous Cultures on Latin American Cuisine
In fact, it’s known that over 80% of Latin American recipes incorporate indigenous ingredients or techniques (Latin American Food and Drink Magazine). This is not an entirely surprising figure, given the unwavering influence of native culture on each region’s culinary landscape. 
Unmasking Coffee Buzzwords
Look for those who instead of creating content, are documenting their process, brands that are doing the right thing don’t have to create something from nothing. 
The Rising Brew: Café Cubano's Deserved Popularity in the United States
Café Cubano's journey to national recognition may be a gradual one, but its extraordinary flavors, rich history, and ability to foster social connections make it a deserving candidate for greater popularity in the United States.
Navigating the Conversation: Use of the Term “Latinx”
Evolution is key to language. As the world changes, so must language change in order to accurately perform its function.
Embracing Cultural Legacy: Honoring Indigenous Civilizations
It is no secret that Latin America has a rich and complex culture and history, built on foundations laid by ancestral civilizations.
Rich Coffee Traditions: Exploring Latin Brewing Methods
From the café cubano to the Mexican cafetera, discover the diversity of brewing methods in Latin America; methods which are deeply tied to the region's history and heritage.
The Influence of Indigenous Farming Practices on Modern Coffee Production
While we at Mayorga Coffee don’t doubt your appreciation for an excellent cup of coffee, have you ever considered the sustainable roots that lie beneath its cultivation? 
Beyond Simply Spanish: Exploring the Babel of Latin America
We all know that Latin America is a region of rich cultural diversity and historical complexity. It’s surprising, then, that it is so often associated solely with the Spanish language. 
The Crucial Role of Latin American Businesses and Entrepreneurship in the US Economy
Latin American businesses and entrepreneurship have emerged as powerful drivers of the US economy, fueling innovation, creating jobs, and shaping cultural narratives.
Unearthing Central America’s Fiery Treasure: The Region’s Volcanoes
Stretching along the Pacific Ring of Fire, Central America sits on top of the meeting point of several tectonic plates. We take a closer look at some the region's most imposing volcanoes.
Desenredando los Hilos: Apropiación Cultural de las Tejedoras Mayas en Guatemala y México
Las Tejedoras Mayas, tejedoras altamente calificadas de Guatemala y México, practican un oficio milenario que trasciende el tiempo y representa el profundo espíritu artístico de su pueblo.
La Comida Mexicana Llegó Para Quedarse: Y No Podríamos Estar Más Felices
Pregúntele a cualquiera al norte de la frontera y le dirán: es difícil recordar un tiempo antes de los martes de tacos y los viernes de tequila.
¿Qué es Chicha? Leyenda y legado de una bebida latinoamericana
La chicha es una bebida a base de maíz que se encuentra comúnmente en países de América Latina. Pero, ¿sabías que hay mucho más en esta bebida de lo que parece?
Desbloqueando el significado de los días de la independencia en América Latina
Los Días de la Independencia están profundamente arraigados en las sociedades latinoamericanas y simbolizan el triunfo y la soberanía constante sobre el dominio colonial.
¿Nos tomamos un cafecito? El significado cultural del café en América Latina
¿Es el café una parte importante de la vida en América Latina? ¡Absolutamente! Conozca más sobre la historia del café en América Latina y su importancia social en la región.
Sabor, Sonidos y Letras: Cómo los inmigrantes latinoamericanos han transformado la esfera cultural estadounidense
Cocineros, músicos, autores y artistas. En cualquier esfera que se mire, el impacto de las culturas latinas en los EE. UU. es rico y de gran alcance.
Los Cortadores: los héroes anónimos de la industria del café
¿Cómo es realmente la vida de los recolectores de café en América Latina? ¿Y cómo podemos mejorar la equidad para los trabajadores agrícolas en la industria del café?